Bees and the Hidden Miracles of Honey

The honey bee exhibits a combination of individual traits and social co-operation which is unparalleled in the animal kingdom. A glimpse into the nest makes it apparent why honey bees have fascinated us from the earliest days of scientific observations. The infrastructure of the nest, the perfectly uniform and functional comb, is composed of beeswax and is constructed into a repeating series of almost perfect hexagonal cells. The comb is the stage for the activity of the colony and is used for almost everything imaginable, from larval nursery to pantry to message centre.

At the individual level, honey bees have not one but three types of colony members: queens, drones and workers, each with their own specialisations and place in honey bee society. The queen reigns over the nest, surrounded by attendants and fed the rich food she requires to perform her few but crucial tasks in the colony. The queen produces powerful pheromones, chemical signals to recipient workers which control many of their behaviours and provide part of the 'social glue' which holds honey bee life together. A highly organised social structure exists within the colony and elaborate 'dances' are used to communicate the location of food sources.

The products of the hive are important to the modern agricultural system. Not only do honey bees provide us with honey, wax, propolis, royal jelly and pollen but they also pollinate a good portion of our crops, including such diverse agricultural plants as fruit trees, oilseeds, small berries and forage crops.

Honey is a remarkable viscous liquid, prepared by the bees from the nectars of various plants. It has occupied a prominent place in traditional medicines throughout world history. The ancient Egyptians, Assyrians, Chinese, Greeks and Romans employed honey for wounds and diseases of the gut. When the Children of Israel were in Egypt or journeying through the desert, their promised goal was a 'land flowing with milk and honey'.

Both the holy Qur'an and Hadith refer to honey as a healer of disease.

And thy Lord taught the bee to build its cells in hills, on trees and in (men's) habitations..... there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for mankind. Verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought. (Translation of Quran 16:68-69)

In addition, the Prophet (PBUH) said:

Honey is a remedy for every illness and the Qur'an is a remedy for all illness of the mind, therefore I recommend to you both remedies, the Qur'an and honey. (Bukhari)

The reader may be surprised to learn that the above quotation from the Qur'an is mentioned in a well known encyclopedia on honey (reference 3).

In recent years, scientific support is beginning to emerge confirming the beneficial effects of honey on certain medical and surgical conditions. These effects may be summarised as follows:

Antibacterial and antifungal properties

These properties of honey are well established. Undiluted honey inhibits the growth of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, certain gut pathogens and fungi such as Candida albicans. At a concentration of 30-50%, honey has been shown to be superior to certain conventional antibiotics in treating urinary tract infections. The exact mechanism of the anti-microbial effect of honey remains obscure. Low pH, osmotic disruption of pathogens and the
presence of bactericidal substances, collectively called inhibine may all play a part.

Anti-diarrhoeal properties

At a concentration of 40%, honey has a bactericidal effect on various gut bacteria known to cause diarrhoea and dysentery such as Salmonella, Shigella, enteropathogenic E. coli and Vibrio cholera. In one study, honey given with oral rehydration fluid was shown to reduce the duration of bacterial diarrhoea in infants and children.

Wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties

Honey is of value in treating burns, infected surgical wounds and decubitus ulcers. Honey is very viscous, enabling it to absorb water from surrounding inflamed tissue. For example, a study in West Africa showed that skin grafting, surgical debridement and even amputation were avoided when local application of honey to wound promoted healing, whereas conventional treatment failed.

In another study, wound healing was accelerated by application of honey in women who had undergone radical vulvectomy for vulval cancer. Also, it has been suggested that honey may be useful in the treatment of chronic, foul smelling ulcers seen in leprosy.

Anti-tussive and expectorant properties

These anti-cough properties of honey are related to its capacity to dilute bronchial secretions and improve the function of the bronchial epithelium.

Nutritional properties

Uncontaminated honey is a healthy, easily digestible, natural and energy rich food. It contains carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, enzymes and vitamins. One tablespoon of honey provides 60 calories and contains 11g of carbohydrates, 1mg of calcium, 0.2mg of iron, 0.lmg of vitamin B and 1mg of vitamin C.

Honey is widely available in most communities but its medical potential remains grossly underutilised. Its mode of action remains incompletely understood and the healing properties of honey in other clinical and laboratory situations requires further evaluation. The miraculous beneficial properties of honey, so beautifully ex-pressed in the holy Qur'an and Sunnah 14 centuries ago expose the reluctance of modern science to accept and exploit this 'traditional remedy'.

Selected References:

1. Ali A.T.M.M. (1989) The Pharmacological Characterization and the Scientific Basis of the Hidden Miracles of Honey; Saudi Medical Journal 10(3):177-179
2. Zumla A. and Lulat A. (1989) Honey- a remedy rediscovered; J Royal Soc Med 82:384-385
3. Crane E. (1975) Honey: a comprehensive survey;London, Heineman
4. Winston M.L. (1987) The Biology of the Honey Bee;London, Harvard University Press

Dr. Monzur Ahmed BSc(Hons), MBChB, MRCP(UK).

Honey: The Antibiotic of the Future..

In the Qur'an, Allah says that in paradise will be "rivers of honey pure".

Then to eat of all the produce (of the earth), and find with skill the spacious paths of its Lord: there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colors, wherein is healing for men: verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought (16:69)

Although honey's healing benefits were known to Muslims more than a thousand years ago, scientists are just now beginning to research it's amazing powers. Indeed, Peter Molan, biochemist at the University of Waikato (New Zealand) has - for the past 17 years - researched into the healing properties of honey and has shown scientifically that all honeys have varying degrees of such properties (Molan, p.1). Honey contains many minerals and vitamins beneficial to man. However, one of the most important properties seems to be its antibiotic action.

Each drop of honey contains many minerals (potassium, sodium, phosphate, copper, iron, calcium, manganese), enzymes, trace elements, vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, C, D, K), as well as beta-carotene. Honey also contains glucose, fructose and saccharine (70%) and is very preservative just by itself ( Of course honey from a supermarket, which has been heated and filtered, may not be as therapeutic as one taken directly from the comb (Ifas, p.4).

Molan's favorite story about honey makes reference to a 20-year-old wound in a British woman. Bacteria had been festering in an abscess in her armpit for years, resisting all the antibiotics she had taken. Nothing seemed to help her and she could barely use her arm. In August 1999, she heard about honey's healing effects and convinced her doctors to put some in her dressing. At that point they were willing to try anything and were not very hopeful that anything would work. However, they were quite surprised when one month later the wound finally healed and the woman could use her arm again.

Since then, honeys have been tested on the different species of bacteria responsible for wound infection (Molan, p.2). The State Medical Society of Wisconsin announced," It is only a matter of time before antibiotics lose their effectiveness because their overuse creates ever-stronger germs."

Thus, we may have to go back to the to the old fashioned remedy. However, "old fashioned", is not as bad as it sounds. Effectively, the potency of honey was found to be superior to all types of antibiotics. Two years ago, Australia approved honey as a medicine and began selling it in pharmacies (Whichman, p.1).

Honey is now known for its antibiotic, antioxidant and antiviral capabilities. In fact, honey contains an enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide, which is believed to be the main reason for its anti-microbial activity. If one wants to use it as a dressing, the best way is to use sterilized honey. However, the only way to sterilize honey without destroying its antibacterial agents is through gamma-irradiations. Honey is also used for sore throats, colds, heartburn, fever blisters, cuts, acne, skin disorders, ulcers, stomach inflammations and cataracts… and its flavor excites the appetite (The National Honey Board).

The advantage of the honey used externally is that during the healing process the re-growth of the sick part of the body is enhanced by honey's moisturizing properties. Molan explains the mechanism of this process:

1. The nectar, being made of glucose and fructose, is very attracted by water. When put on a wound, it absorbs water and body fluids, taking and destroying bacteria and inhibiting their growth too.

2. Raw honey contains glucose oxidase, an enzyme that produces a mild antiseptic when mixed with a bit of water. This enzyme is destroyed by heat and pasteurization. That is why it cannot be found in commercial honeys (Molan, p.3)

Of course raw, unprocessed honey, which is usually darker, has the most medicinal and nutritional value and is even the most flavorful. Particularly active, Manuka Honey from New Zealand has all the healing antibacterial properties of other honeys, with some additional components. "All honey is not created equal, however certain types such as "active" Manuka from New Zealand and perhaps Honeydew from Central Europe are more effective for infections," says Molan (Molan, p.2).

While the healing properties of honey may be news to modern science, Prophet Mohammad (saws) commented on its value 1400 years ago.

Indeed, once a man came to the Prophet and said, "My brother has got loose motions" The Prophet said to him, "Let him drink honey."(Bukhari)

Furthermore, the work of Molan has provided substantial evidence that honey holds promise in the treatment of peptic ulcers and upper gastroenteritis disorders. Despite its high acid concentration, the nectar is very digestible and tones the kidneys.

The Prophet (saws) also said, "If there is any healing in your medicines, then it is in cupping, a gulp of honey or branding with fire (cauterization) that suits the ailment, but I don't like to be (cauterized) branded with fire."

Indeed, honey also nourishes, regulates and purifies blood circulation. Its fructose is the only natural inert sugar and it goes straight into the blood, nourishing nerves and providing the brain with extra energy.

In case of first-degree burns, "the raw wild flower honey formed a flexible protective barrier which prevents infections, absorbs pus and reduced pain, irritation and odor" writes Leigh Broadhurst ( A Romanian doctor stated that he tried honey on cataract patients, and 2002 of his 2094 patients recovered completely (

Another function has been found for honey too: an Oklahoma allergist has said that raw honey is an excellent treatment for 90% of all allergies. A person who is suffering from an allergy to a certain plant should eat honey made from this plant (

Honey can also help heal Tinea, for it has anti-fungal activities; but not many species of fungi have been tested. Mycoses are quite difficult to treat, for they need both anti-fungal and antibacterial treatment. However, Manuka honey showed that its hydrogen peroxide factors inhibit the growth of fungi. Although, the concentration of honey needed to treat Mycoses is higher than that needed to treat bacteria (Molan, p.3).

However, paradoxical, sweet honey can also protect the teeth. Its anti-microbial activity has been tested on several species of dental plaque bacteria. A study shows that honey has been proven to sharply reduce acid production, thus killing the bacteria responsible for dental caries. Researchers believe that it also makes a difference in fighting inflammatory infections of the gums (

One Companion of the Prophet reported, "In our holy battles, we used to get honey (Bukhari)."

According to what we now know, this was a logical choice for travelers and soldiers, as honey is a supersaturated sugar and is easy to digest because of the monosaccharides; it is also a superior antibiotic. The natural carbohydrates contained within honey, when combined with proteins, help maintain a good glycaemia - which is important for recovering after a hard-days efforts. By maintaining a good glucose level, honey also maintains a good insulin level and helps people to avoid hypoglycemia. Some studies showed that this nectar could thus boost endurance performance in athletes (

However, although honey is a very safe and natural remedy, it should not be given to infants under one year-old. Honey is a source of bacteria spores that product a toxin which can cause infant botulism, even though it is rare (a risk of botulism exists in the ingestion of any uncooked food!). Botulism is a rare disease that affects the nervous system and can lead to palsy. Nevertheless, it can still be use as a dressing for burns and cuts (

"And your Lord taught the honey bee…" (16:68)

This verse explains the excessive production of the bees. They have been taught to produce not only for themselves but also for human beings! The excellent organization within the hive is also proof of this "teaching."

So, honey should be the first choice in cases of health problems as it is natural and has a high nutrient value; it does not have the side effects of drugs and is more affordable than most other kinds of therapy.

1. Molan, Peter, MD. "Honey Research."
2. Sahih Bukhari. "Book of Medicine."
3. Ifas. " APIS Newspaper. " University of Florida. August 2000.
4. The National Honey Board.
5. Whichman, Julie. "Honey." Health Watch . Vol 21:12. March16 2000.
8. (University of Waikato Honey Research Unit)

Honey Fights Bacteria That Cause Chronic Sinusitis

By Kelley Colihan
WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

Sept. 22, 2008 -- If you start poking around into the history of honey, you'll find the stuff is revered in many early cultures.

Honey is mentioned in the Bible, it was used to preserve corpses by the ancient Egyptians, was considered sacred during the time of Buddha, and the prophet Muhammad espoused its potential healing properties.

But it's only been in recent times that science has been able to prove and explain the benefits that honey holds.

Now a new study from researchers at the University of Ottawa shows honey to be effective in killing bacteria that cause chronic sinusitis.
Honey Kills Bacteria

Chronic sinusitis affects millions of people every year.

In chronic sinusitis, the mucous membranes in the sinus cavities become inflamed, causing headaches, stuffy nose, and difficulty breathing.

Though it can be caused by allergies, chronic sinusitis can also be caused by bacteria that colonize in the nose and sinuses.

That's where honey may help.

Researchers, led by Tala Alandejani, MD, at the University of Ottawa, tested two honeys, manuka and sidr.

Manuka honey comes from the manuka bush, also known as the tea tree bush, in New Zealand.

Sidr honey comes from the sidr tree in Yemen, an ancient and sacred tree mentioned in spiritual texts. It's one of the world's most expensive honeys.

Researchers singled out three particularly nasty bacteria: two strains of staph bacteria, MSSA (methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus) and MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), and one called Pseudomonas aeriginosa (PA).

The two types of honey were effective in killing the bacteria. Even bacteria growing in a biofilm, a thin, slimy layer formed by bacteria that affords resistance to antibiotics, were susceptible to honey.

The researchers also found that the two types of honey worked significantly better than an antibiotic against MSSA and MRSA, according to past research.

Here's the breakdown of results:

* Sidr honey was 63% effective in killing MSSA.
* Sidr honey was 73% effective in killing MRSA.
* Sidr honey was 91% effective in killing PA.
* Manuka honey was 82% effective in killing MSSA.
* Manuka honey was 63% effective in killing MRSA.
* Manuka honey was 91% effective in killing PA.

Scientists hope the results can help lead to a new treatment for people with chronic sinusitis.

The study is being presented at the 2008 American Academy of Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery annual meeting in Chicago.
View Article Sources Sources


Alandejani, T. Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery, August 2008, vol 139, issue 2, supp 1: p 107.

News release, American Academy of Otolaryngology -- Head and Neck Surgery.
© 2008 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.


Kualiti yang Tinggi 

Pemelihara lebah di Yaman sangat menitik beratkan keaslian dan kualiti madu yang dihasilkan sehingga sanggup membiarkan lebahnya mati daripada diberi makan gula. Kebiasaannya, lebah biasa akan membuat 37,000 perjalanan hanya untuk menghasilkan setengah kilogram madu tetapi lebah yang hanya makan nektar bunga Sidr di Yaman mati setelah membuat 3 perjalanan! Lebah yang lemah tidak mampu bertahan dengan kualiti nektar pokok ini. 

Mentah dan Tulin 

Di Yaman, cara memelihara lebah masih lagi menggunakan cara tradisional. Tiada bahan kimia atau ubat-ubatan yang digunakan (dalam agrikultur moden, bahan kimia dan antibiotik digunakan secara meluas untuk mengawal kutu dan penyakit lebah yang lain). Tiada mesin yang digunakan. Semua proses hanya menggunakan tangan, asap dari kulit unta kering dan pisau. Madu kemudiannya dituang mentah tanpa dipanaskan ke dalam bekas untuk memelihara kandungan enzim penting di dalamnya. 


Setiap titisan madu mengandungi sumber kehidupan. Generasi sebelum kita memahami kuasa penyembuhan madu dan menggunakannya untuk mengubati kebanyakan penyakit. Madu Yaman dilaporkan baik untuk masalah hati, ulser perut, jangkitan pernafasan, penyakit dari kekurangan zat makanan, masalah pencernaan, sembelit, penyakit mata, jangkitan pada luka dan kulit terbakar, luka pembedahan (termasuk Caesarian), menggalakkan penyembuhan selepas kelahiran, membantu melancarkan haid dan memelihara kesihatan secara umum. 

Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Sa'id al-Khudri r.a: "Seorang lelaki datang kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w lalu berkata: 'Sesungguhnya saudaraku sakit perut(cirit-birit)'. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: 'Berilah dia minuman madu'. Kemudian, dia memberi saudaranya minum madu. Lalu dia datang semula dan berkata: 'Saya telah pun memberi minum dia dengan madu tetapi penyakit bukan berkurangan melainkan bertambah.' Rasulullah s.a.w menyuruhnya agar meneruskan meminum air madu sehingga tiga kali lagi. Kemudian, lelaki itu datang sekali lagi. Rasulullah s.a.w masih menyuruhnya meneruskan meminum air madu tetapi lelaki itu menjawab,'Saya telah memberinya minuman madu tetapi sakitnya masih bertambah.' Lalu Rasullullah s.a.w berkata:'Allah benar dan perut saudaramu itu yang berbohong.' Kemudian Rasulullah s.a.w sendiri memberi minum madu kepada lelaki tersebut dan akhirnya sembuh." 


Sesetengah madu dilaporkan mempunyai setinggi 75-150mg ascorbic asid (vit. C) per 100g dan lain-lainnya kurang dari 5mg per 100g. Antioksida penting untuk melawan kerosakan pada badan yang disebabkan oleh radikal bebas yang bertanggungjawab terhadap proses penuaan dan penyakit seperti kanser dan penyakit arteri. Kajian menunjukkan madu yang gelap mempunyai kandungan antioksida yang lebih tinggi daripada madu yang cerah. 


Dunia perubatan sedang mengkaji keberkesanan madu sebagai terapi alternatif dalam bidang dimana pertumbuhan bacteria-tahan-antibiotik sedang meningkat. Madu berbeza dalam potensinya sebagai antibakteria hingga mempengaruhi keupayaannya merawat bakteria. Sesetengah madu tiada kelebihan sebagai antibakteria manakala sesetengahnya boleh dicairkan sehingga 100 kali dan masih mampu menghalang pertumbuhan bakteria. 

Sangat Bernilai 

Madu Yaman mempunyai permintaan yang tinggi terutamanya disebabkan oleh kuasa penyembuhan dan khasiatnya yang tinggi. Ada yang sanggup membayar sehingga USD200 sekilogram madu apabila bekalan madu berkurangan.